14 May 2020

The previous regulations regarding moving during level 4, have been relaxed a bit more. These are the new conditions:
- Tenants may now move regardless of when the lease agreement was concluded (you will need to produce the relevant lease agreement, indicating the date of expiry of the old lease and the commencement date of the new lease before you will be issued with a permit to move).
- Property owners may move into their new home which they have bought, regardless of when the transfer takes place (you will need to produce proof of purchase and occupation date / the transfer documents attesting to the change of ownership of property before you will be issued with a permit to move).
- The Permit to relocate indicates the date of travel which will corresponded to the commencement date of the new lease agreement or the occupation date of the offer to purchase.
- Victims of domestic violence will also be allowed to move (will need to produce a domestic violence court order before you will be issued with a permit to move).
The allowed once-off relocation is no longer limited to a specific window period or deadline.
You may only move “household or office furniture and effects” as required.
When moving you must be in possession of:
- Proof of identification.
- Form 1: permit to travel to another province, metropolitan area or district for purposes of relocation, to be obtained from the station commander of a police station or head of a court.
- The police will require the following in order to issue a permit, and you must also have it with you when you move : the relevant lease agreement indicating the date of expiry of the old lease and the date of commencement of the new lease, OR the proof of purchase of residence and occupation date OR the transfer documents attesting to the change of ownership of property, OR the domestic violence court order.
You can download a copy of the Government Gazette here.
Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions, or if you need a copy of the required permit to relocate.